
Over at LanguageHat, they’re having trouble with Gogol’s phrase, “Ах ты, Оподелдок Иванович!”

…word for word, it means “Oh you, Opodeldok Ivanovich!” Opodeldok was clearly not an actual Russian name, so I looked it up in my trusty Oxford dictionary (where it is listed under the more usual spelling оподельдок), and there it was—helpfully defined as “opodeldoc.” I let out a bellow of rage at the perfidy of the lexicographers who had taken the easy way out, refusing to give the user the slightest actual help, requiring an additional trip to the OED.

Fortunately the Oxford English Dictionary was able to help, so there is a happy ending.

One thought on “Оподелдок

  1. Glad she recovered fairly quickly. Hope she is happy to be back at home. Ditto for everyone else. Hugs to all.

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