Well, after the disappointing kicker to yesterday’s discovery of 2003 EL61, that it is not quite as big they thought, here’s another one, “definitely at least as big as Pluto”. So I’ll have to update yesterday’s table:
Name | What | How big | Dist from sun | When found |
Ganymede | satellite of Jupiter | 5262 km | 5.2 AU | 1610 |
Titan | satellite of Saturn | 5150 km | 9.5 AU | 1655 |
Mercury | planet | 4879 km | 0.4 AU | prehistoric |
Callisto | satellite of Jupiter | 4820 km | 5.2 AU | 1610 |
Io | satellite of Jupiter | 3642 km | 5.2 AU | 1610 |
Luna | satellite of Earth | 3476 km | 1.0 AU | prehistoric |
Europa | satellite of Jupiter | 3121 km | 5.2 AU | 1610 |
2003 UN313 | ?planet | ?3000 km | 67.7 AU | 2005 |
Triton | satellite of Neptune | 2706 km | 30.1 AU | 1846 |
Pluto | planet | 2390 km | 39.5 AU | 1930 |
2003 EL61 | ?planet | ?2000 km | 43.3 AU | 2005 |
That’s very heartening news – thanks for sharing it with us.