Here’s a fascinating site to match your political position with parties from all over Europe (including almost all parts of the EU, Croatia, Switzerland and Turkey):
I come out (in British terms) pretty close to the Lib Dems, which is fortunate since I am a member.

But the interesting thing is where that puts me in the political spectra of other countries:
Belgium (Flanders), where I will actually be voting – more or less bang on the Sociaal Liberale Partij spot, which surprised me since I hadn’t heard of them before. Closer investigation reveals that they used to be Spirit, but have had a certain amount of internal turmoil recently.

Austria – half-way between SPÖ and Grüne
Belgium (francophone) – equidistant from all parties
Bulgaria – none terribly close but ГЕРБ least distant
Croatia – rather pleased to be equidistant between my three favourite parties, IDS, SDP and HSLS
Cyprus – rather alarmed to be closest to ΔΗΚΟ, who are certainly my least favourite of the major parties there!
Czech Republic – closest to ČSSD
Denmark – halfway between Radikale Venstre and Socialistisk Folkeparti
Estonia – halfway between Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond and the Greens (Eestimaa Rohelised)
Finland – more or less exactly on the Greens
France – closest to the minor Parti Radical de Gauche and the even minor-er Newropeans
Germany – equidistant between SPD, Grüne and Newropeans
Greece – equidistant between ΠΑΣΟΚ and the minor Ecologist Greens
Hungary – closest to the new lefty-greenish Lehet Más a Politika party.
Ireland – Labour, unexciting but unexpected
Italy – closest to the PD
Latvia – between two largely Russophone parties, Saskaņas centrs and Par cilvēka tiesībām vienotā Latvijā.
Lithuania – very close to the Lietuvos socialdemokratų partija with Frontas and the National Resurrection Party not far off
Luxembourg – again, halfway between the Greens and Social Democrats
Malta – none terribly close, Alternattiva Demokratika least distant
Poland – closest to SLD (social democrats)
Portugal – closest to PS (social democrats)
Romania – closest to the Hungarian-speaking UDMR
Slovakia – none terribly close, least distant being social democratic SMER and, alarmingly, Mečiar’s ĽS-HZDS.
Slovenia – very close to both social democratic SD and left-liberal ZARES
Spain – very close to both PSOE and the lefty independentist Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya
Sweden – not close to any, SDAP least distant
Switzerland – not close to any, Socialists least distant
Netherlands – closest to GroenLinks, D66 and Newropeans not far off.
Turkey – almost exactly on the Kurdish DTP
They haven’t done Northern Ireland yet, but I imagine I would come out closest to Alliance and the SDLP. (Would also be interested to see results from the TRNC.)
Overall apparently it is the Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya whose views most closely match my own. I wonder if they accept memberships from liberal Northern Irish Belgians? I am certainly left-of-centre, anti-monarchist and agnostic tending toward positive on Catalan independence, so I have no problem with their main policy areas. Though they are not terribly sound on immigration, or on reforming the CAP.

However, when I go to the list of party matches – which rates strength of commitment to the issues as well as the position on the two axes – things change rather radically and my closest match is the Swedish Pirate Party. I fear that this actually reflects the fact that they don’t have opinions (and therefore disagreements with me or others) on very many issues, though where they do have views (pro-gay marriage, pro-civil liberties, pro-EU integration) I tend to agree with them.
It’s also interesting that while in a lot of countries I’m fairly close to the lefty-greeny-social liberal mainstream, in a few (Romania, Latvia, Turkey) I end up close to the most visible of their ethnic minorities, and in some (Bulgaria, Malta) there’s no party that really reflects my own views. Of course, if I lived or had grown up in Bulgaria or Malta, my views might well have been different. (I’m not surprised by the Maltese result, given the rather static politcs there, but it’s surprising that Bulgaria’s recent internal political volatility has not as yet produced any openings for the centre-left.
Well, that filled out my lunch break nicely!