Having gone to The Hobbit 3 last week, at F’s request we watched the 2005 movie of The Hitch-Hiker’s Guide To The Galaxy last night. It held up much better than I remembered; Martin Freeman is given rather more of an emotional arc for Arthur Dent than he gets for either John Watson or Bilbo Baggins, climaxing with the deployment of the Point-Of-View Gun. Zooey Deschanel is super as well, and Bill Nighy is the definitive Slartibartfast. I also felt certain that the animations for the Book were a deliberate homage to the 1981 TV series (though perhaps there are only so many ways to show an electronic book on the screen). Most of the changes to the radio/tv/novel story for the film were apparently by Adams himself. The film has a disputed place in canon, but I found it very enjoyable second time round.