440 days of plague

I was in the office again today, entirely on my own, which gave me the freedom to play loud music and yell at the top of my voice; but that gets old fairly quickly as it turns out. Who knew?

Both the Belgian numbers and the weather have been improving, which greatly lifts the spirits. As I predicted lsat time, the number of COVID patients in hospital is now well below where it had since before the October lockdown, and the number of new infections seems likely to drop below that benchmark in the next week or ten days (and the number of ICU patients, currently the slowest moving indicator, will not be far behind). We actually got out to our favourite restaurant for dinner last night, for the first time since last summer.

I walked back with U, who had firm views about the route that we needed to take, deviating twice from my preferred shortcuts (in orange).

Already noted both our guests of the previous weekend and my museum trip on Monday last week. We also profited from the good weather yesterday to walk at the nearby Doode Bemde nature reserve.

Not sure how soon it will happen, but I do feel that we’re nearer the end than the start of all this.

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