The Three Doctors (last 3 episodes)
Carnival of Monsters
Frontier in Space
Planet of the Daleks
The Green Death
The Time Warrior (first 3 episodes)
1974 Doctor Who Annual (3)
The first Who from 1973 that I encountered: My first definite memory of watching Who when it was first broadcast is Frontier in Space, specifically the last two episodes; I remember the Doctor’s confrontation with the Draconian emperor, and very distinctly recall the Master announcing that he had brought some old friends (ie the Daleks) to greet the Doctor. I was 6.
My favourite Who from 1973: That moment at the end of episode 3 of The Green Death when the maggot is poised to attack poor Jo!
Moving swiftly on from: None of this is awful, but Planet of the Daleks does drag a bit.
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