Second paragraph of third story (“The Sale”, by Tendai Huchu):
He entered the tall glass building, formerly the reserve bank building, and told the heavy at the door that he had an appointment. A lift took him up to the top floor with sweeping views of the city. A TV screen in the lobby was tuned to the Voice of Truth. The PA for the Minister for Native Affairs, Anna Kansasian picked up her apparat, spoke into it, and told Mr. Munyuki that the minister was going to be tied up much longer than anticipated. His appointment had been rescheduled for tomorrow afternoon.
Lots of good stories here, some by writers who I had heard of, many that I hadn’t. One or two fell slightly flat, sticking too close to standard sf tropes without bringing much extra to them. But most of them were very good – there is an early pairing of “Home Affairs” by Sarah Lotz and “The Sale” by Tendai Huchu which both look at bureaucracy; “Azania”, by Nick Woods, looks at colonisation both in the sfnal and geopolitical senses; “Brandy City”, by Mia Arderne, looks at virtual reality and addiction; and the closing novella, “Proposition 23” by Efe Okogu, has a world where citizenship and the right to live are being eroded by technology. I find it immensely reassuring of the future of sf that it speaks as a genre to many writers from the oldest of the continents, and I hope that European and American fandom can start to draw more from this well of talent.
This was the top book by a non-white author(s) on my pile. Since then I’ve acquired A Suitable Boy which will be next on that list.