B: Breakfast – If I make time for it, poached egg on toast. If in New York I always try and make sure I have a decent New York breakfast (since my body clock thinks it’s lunchtime).
C: Chore you hate – All of them. Especially cleaning the toilet.
D: Dad’s name – John.
E: Essential everyday item – Slippers.
F: Flavour ice cream – Mint chocolate chip.
G: Gold or silver – No strong preference. Both please.
H: Hometown – Belfast. More specifically Finaghy. (With a side order of Loughbrickland, Co Down, the ancestral home.)
I: Insomnia – Often generated by children.
J: Job Title – Programme Director for Europe.
K: Kids – Three.
M: Mother’s birthplace – Dublin.
N: Number of Significant Others – One.
O: Overnight hospital stays – None.
P: Phobia – Brain surgery.
Q: Queer – No.
R: Religious affiliation – Catholic.
S: Siblings – One of each.
T: Time you wake up – Aim for 0730.
U: Unnatural hair colours – No. And dwindling hair. (“Lord! I am afflicted by a Bald Patch!”)
V: Vegetable you refuse to eat – Spinach, unless cooked with garlic (or woth cheese).
W: Worst habit – Picking my nose all the time.
X: X-rays – Teeth. And occasional chest.
Y: Yummy – Georgian food.
Z: Zodiac sign – Taurus.
Didn’t know about the David Fisher novelization of The Stones of Blood — that sounds like a Good Idea.