A real blast from the past, as Doctor Who finishes and immediately the news comes on to tell us that Jim Callaghan has died…
A real blast from the past, as Doctor Who finishes and immediately the news comes on to tell us that Jim Callaghan has died…
Hi, I found your LJ semi-randomly (I believe because we had both read a couple of the same Doctor Who novels) and I wanted to tell you that I just spent an enjoyable couple of weeks slowly reading through your backlog of book posts—and loading up on many recommendations! I’ve been writing up my own reading for the last couple of years, too, and it’s always a pleasure to find other people who do the same—especially when the results are so insightful and entertaining! I will definitely be checking back here (a.k.a., continuing to stalk your book posts).
To make this comment somewhat relevant to the topic at hand: a friend and I were just discussing our mutual regard for this part of the Vorkosigan saga; Mirror Dance may well be my favorite of the books. 2011 may be time for a reread…