April Books 10) Tesseract, by Tony Lee

Next in the sequence of Tenth Doctor comics that started with Fugitive. As with the previous volume, I wasn’t wild about the first two issues collected here, where I felt that Al Davison’s art didn’t quite match Lee’s script of aliens invading the Tardis. But then things really take a turn for the better, with a four-issue story gorgeously illustrated by Blair D. Shedd, which has Martha Jones, walking trees, Greenwich Observatory and John Dee, and another joke about Belgium.

There’s a reference to Martha having married Mickey, and I thought at first that this might have been anticipating The End of Time as they go off to chase Sontarans at the end. But in fact the comic was published in mid-2010, after The End of Time was broadcast, so no surprise for the reader who had been paying attention.

I hope Shedd does more Who work; I was really impressed.