April Books 16) The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms, by N.K. Jemisin

There’s been a lot of buzz around this book, partly perhaps because of the author’s online visibility, but mainly I suspect because it is a rather good book. It is an immersive fantasy, to use the Mendlesohn typology, about Yeine, a young woman who discovers that she is a potential heir to the rulership of the entire world, and who has to grapple with palace politics and living deities to survive. The political situation is actually rather well set up, and the denouement is rather a twist in the plot but is actually entirely fair to the reader rather than deus ex machina. This will no doubt appear on a number of next year’s shortlists, and desrvedly so; it’s not my preferred sub-genre, but I enjoyed it.

One thought on “April Books 16) The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms, by N.K. Jemisin

  1. He’s an old friend of mine with a beard. Though he was cleanshaven when I first knew him.

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