In many languages from the BBC:
помер Артур Міллер (Ukrainian)
Zmarł Arthur Miller (Polish)
Zemřel dramatik Arthur Miller (Czech)
Arthur Miller a încetat din viaţă (Romanian)
Почина Артър Милър (Bulgarian)
Umrl je Arthur Miller (Slovenian)
Vdes Artur Miller (Albanian)
Preminuo Artur Miler (Serbian)
Preminuo Arthur Miller (Croatian)
Артур Милер почина (Macedonian)
Πέθανε Άρθουρ Μίλερ (Greek)
Arthur Miller öldü (Turkish)
Murió Arthur Miller (Spanish)
Arthur Miller morre (Portuguese)
(Arabic)وفاة الكاتب المسرحي الامريكي آرثر ميلر
(Persian) آرتور ميلر درگذشت
(Urdu) مِلر انتقال کر گئے
अपनी पुरानी फ़िल्मों को रंगीन नहीं करूँगा (Hindi – I think!)
20世纪文学巨匠阿瑟·米勒去世 (Chinese)
Arthur Miller meninggal dunia (Indonesian)
อาร์เธอร์ มิลเลอร์ถึงแก่กรรม (Thai)
Not surprisingly the BBC is not carrying this in most of the African languages, or indeed in many of the Asian languages.
User referenced to your post from Whoniversaries 6 September: Zygons #2, Hive #2, ToaTL #1, Real Time ends saying: […] […]