
Had a good wander around the Trastevere district last night. I went to Mass in Santa Maria in Trastevere, which is also the base of the Sant’Egidio community who are of course of professional interest. Then I managed to locate the church of San Pietro in Montorio, way up on a hill behind the trendy streets nearer the river, where the tombs of the Earls are located. The church appears to be part of the Spanish Embassy complex of buildings, and by the time I got there it was closed (and I didn’t think it was appropriate to disturb the couple in the car parked outside the door) but at least I know where to go next time I’m in Rome and have time. Nice dinner in one of the many restaurants on Via della Lungaretta, reading England Swings SF. And so to bed, as the man says.

Then I had to get up early at *mumble* o’clock to get the 0720 flight, but the advantage is that I’ve got the whole weekend at home with the family, including my mother who is visiting. More later.

One thought on “Back

  1. I wonder if you’re thinking of Resurrection Men there? Rankin is clearly playing with exactly that idea there (very effectively I thought, having been quite disappointed by the previous novel). Myself I felt they held up well until the end, and like you both abandoned Scarpetta long, long ago.

    Have you read any Michael Connelly? Bosch is so like Rebus, armed, translated to LA, and banging his head against the endemic corruption there, that I think you would like those books too.

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