Belgium (and Netherlands)

Charlemagne on Belgium (translation into Dutch)

Election results from the Netherlands: Fistful of Euros. Hooray for D66! Boo for Wilders! Ha ha ha to Verdonk!

Although I’m voting in Sunday’s election in Belgium rather yesterday’s election up north, I have been following the Dutch campaign rather more closely on Twitter, I guess mainly because I actually know a couple of candidates there from long ago. (Was it the Dutch election, or Konnie Huq’s engagement to Charlie Brooker, that caused Twitter to collapse yesterday?)

One thought on “Belgium (and Netherlands)

  1. I’m glad that the Hugo Packet has expanded as it has done. It has certainly changed the way I vote, which used to be simply for the written fiction and dramatic presentation categories, with the odd vote elsewhere for candidate who I knew. It does mean that nominees will suddenly have to be more strategic about presenting their work to the voter, where previously it was allowed to speak for itself. I am sure that some will be uncomfortable with that.

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