Bits and bobs

  1. Is this legal?

    Due to the large number of applications we are receiving and the particular nature of the position, please only apply if you hold a degree from any of the following institutions:

    • Oxford University
    • Cambridge University
    • University of Edinburgh
    • London School of Economics

    Although I clearly am qualified on that basis alone, I’m not sure I would ever want to work somewhere whose management thought that way.

  2. The local elections in Georgia have been called for October 5th. Election observers will probably be needed.
  3. I think that one of the “lunatic fringes” to which Chris Priest referred in his GoH speech to last year’s Worldcon has just expanded to include most of fandom. [edited to add: I should make clear that I myself do not regard the people concerned as in any way lunatic.]
  4. has an interesting observation about Rose’s story arc in Doctor Who. Go read it.

One thought on “Bits and bobs

  1. Which leads to the idea of telling the stories of Casablanca and The Secret Garden from the non-white folks’ point of view. If I wasn’t so lazy.

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