BSFA Award: second round stats

The BSFA has announced the opening of Round 2 of this year's BSFA Awards. This time round, nominations were accepted in all categories to the end of December; we now have January to winnow down the candidates to a final four in each case. As usual, the list of Best Novel options gives me grist for my statistical mill: here they are, listed in descending order of aggregate popularity on Goodreads and LibraryThing (the number in each case is the number of users who own each book).

Goodreads Librarything
Naomi Novik, Uprooted 85515 625
Kate Atkinson, A God in Ruins 62857 682
VE Schwab, A Darker Shade of Magic 99311 386
NK Jemisin, The Fifth Season 26490 236
Terry Pratchett, The Shepherd's Crown 13091 415
Ann Leckie, Ancillary Mercy 12878 357
Kim Stanley Robinson, Aurora 16482 262
Natasha Pulley, The Watchmaker of Filigree Street 16307 217
Ken Liu, The Grace of Kings 12166 219
Jo Walton, The Just City 10570 251
Zen Cho, Sorcerer to the Crown 10791 245
Joe Abercrombie, Half a War 12996 165
Laura van den Berg, Find Me 12705 131
Elizabeth Bear, Karen Memory 7652 179
Claire North, Touch 9449 138
Cixin Liu, The Dark Forest 8077 138
Becky Chambers, The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet 8318 105
Aliette de Bodard, The House of Shattered Wings 6649 129
Sarah Lotz, Day Four 7580 87
David Wong, Futuristic Violence and Fancy Suits 6994 61
Ian McDonald, New Moon 4341 90
Sarah Pinborough, The Death House 4667 45
Frances Hardinge, The Lie Tree 3176 52
Kate Elliott, Black Wolves 3854 40
Peter Newman, The Vagrant 4710 32
Chris Beckett, Mother of Eden 1767 60
Kai Ashante Wilson, The Sorcerer of the Wildeeps 2007 46
Karen Lord, The Galaxy Game 1630 53
Adam Christopher, Made to Kill 2165 38
Paul McAuley, Something Coming Through 1305 42
Adrian Tchaikovsky, Children of Time 1884 24
Gary Russell, Doctor Who: Big Bang Generation 1187 37
Tim Lebbon, The Silence 1243 31
Alexis Wright, The Swan Book 927 29
Rhonda Mason, The Empress Game 1294 20
Matthew De Abaitua, If Then 731 30
Adrian Tchaikovsky, Guns of the Dawn 1158 18
Anne Charnock, Sleeping Embers of an Ordinary Mind 1253 16
Edward Cox, The Relic Guild 912 20
Justina Robson, Glorious Angels 586 27
A.L. Kennedy, Doctor Who: The Drosten's Curse 734 20
Al Robertson, Crashing Heaven 730 19
Dave Hutchinson, Europe at Midnight 310 22
Mark Latham, The Lazarus Gate 945 6
Ian Whates, Pelquin's Comet 159 29
Oliver Langmead, The Dark Star 332 9
Gareth Powell, Macaque Attack 145 15
Adam Roberts, The Thing Itself 343 6
Ian Sales, All that Outer Space Allows 63 14
Sophia McDougall, Space Hostages 94 5
Stephanie Saulter, Regeneration 72 3
Naomi Foyle, Rook Song 19 2
HL Burke, Lands of Ash 674 0
Guy T Martland, The Scion 3 0
Tony Franks, The Daganhoyt Saga 0 0
Deborah Sanderson, The Wonder Turner 0 0

It becomes painfully clear that Goodreads has about 80 times as many users as LibraryThing!

I'm baffled by the one book which has hundreds of Goodreads owners, but none at all on LibraryThing as far as I can see. Sure, it's self-published (and you'll spot some similar patterns on the list), but that skew is extraordinary.