BSFA Long Lists – the Goodreads / LibraryThing stats

The Long Lists for this year’s BSFA Awards are out, and provide much food for thought. We have a whole load of new categories this year, listed in a somewhat eccentric order on the official page (maybe that’s the constitutional order, I don’t know). As ever, I’ve run them through LibraryThing and Goodreads, to see how many people own each book on the former platform and have rated it on the latter; and I rank each section by the geometric average of the two ratings.

One thing I haven’t done this year is to look at the average ratings of each book on each system. This is simply because my time is limited; I’ve looked at around 200 books here, and am satisfied that the raw measure of penetration of the two systems gives a fair idea of how far they have percolated into the community and the wider public.

I didn’t look at Best Artwork, Best Short Fiction or Best Short Non-Fiction for this exercise; I assumed that none of the nominees in those categories would have been separately registered on LT or GR.

In the Best Audiobook category (strictly, Best Original Audio Fiction), there are 11 works on the longlist. Only one of them (The Downloaded, by Robert J. Sawyer) is owned by anyone of LibraryThing, and only two (The Downloaded, again, and The Dex Legacy by Emily Inkpen) have been rated by anyone on Goodreads. This is less than I would have expected; audiobook listeners are as assiduous about logging their consumption as are print or screen readers. I’m also disappointed not to see any of Big Finish’s output here; I can’t believe that I’m the only Big Finish fan who is also a BSFA voter (but I must admit that I myself did not actually get around to nominating).

The Best Fiction for Younger Readers long list has only 8 nominees, which is not very long. This is a bit surprising as that list has been reasonably well populated in the past. The 8 nominees, and the LT / GR rankings, are:

Title AuthorLTGR
SpellboundF.T. Lukens1775312
The Library of Broken WorldsAlaya Dawn Johnson60134
A Song of SalvationAlechia Dow23216
MindbreakerKate Dylan12194
City of Vicious NightClaire Winn6176
We Who Are Forged In FireKate Murray250
The Inn at the Amethyst LanternJ Dianne Dotson115
Vivi Conway and the Sword of LegendLizzie Huxley Jones059

There’s obviously a strong leader here. Also, I am really puzzled as to how the last book on the list has managed to pick up as many as 59 Goodreads ratings, without a single LibraryThing user acquiring it. It also seems to be selling well enough on Amazon. It may be that the author has made a bit of a push on GR, but I’m not sure if it’s such a good platform for YA marketing.

There are 29 long-listees for Best Shorter Fiction (there are 30 works on the official long list itself, but one has been listed twice). Five of them have not been published in standalone format and so the comparison with LT/GR stats isn’t really fair, but I list them below for completeness.

Title AuthorLTGR
The Scourge Between StarsNess Brown1302836
Rose/HouseArkady Martine821366
And Put Away Childish ThingsAdrian Tchakovsky441068
Emergent PropertiesAimee Ogden53527
The Navigating FoxChristopher Rowe42458
Hamlet – Prince of RobotsM. Darusha Wehm18144
The Iron ChildrenRebecca Fraimow1279
Pluralities Avi Silver783
I am AIAi Jiang3161
The Midas RainAdam Roberts551
A Necessary ChaosBrent Lambert634
The Book of GaherisKari Sperring1510
To The Woman in the Pink HatLaToya Jordan427
EuropaAllen Stroud236
MiasmaJess Hyslop227
Telling the BeesEmma Leadey66
Broken ParadiseEugen Bacon35
Hero’s ChoiceMerc Fenn Wolfmoor26
Off Time JiveA.Z. Louise21
The Panharmonion ChroniclesHenry Chebaane026
A Feast for FliesLeigh Harlen08
The Lies We Tell OurselvesL K Kitney06
Little NothingDee Holloway05
Where the God-Knives TreadA.L. Goldfuss10
Axiom of DreamsArula Ratnakar
DefectivePeter Watts
Land of The Awaiting BirthOghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki & Joshua Uchenna Omenga.
The Window in the ForestSeán Padraic Birnie
UndulationStephen Embleton

Again some strong leaders, one in particular, but the figures here are probably less meaningful than in the other categories because of the difference in place of publication.

There are 24 long-listees for Best Non-Fiction (Long).

Title AuthorLTGR
A City on MarsKelly and Zach Weinersmith1601116
Wish I Was HereM John Harrison41117
I Am the LawMichael Molcher12109
We’re Falling Through SpaceJ. David Reed283
Realms of Imagination: Essays from the Wide Worlds of FantasyTanya Kirk and Matthew Sangster136
Spec Fic for Newbies: A Beginner’s Guide to Writing Subgenres of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and HorrorTiffani Angus and Val Nolan711
The Weird Tales BoysStephen Jones89
Selected Nonfiction 1962-2007 J.G.. BallardEditor Mark Blacklock85
David Whitaker in an Exciting Adventure in TelevisionSimon Guerrier45
All These WorldsNiall Harrison44
A Traveller in Time: The Critical Practice of Maureen Kincaid SpellerNina Allan, editor26
Science Fiction Cinema in the Twenty-First Century: Transnational FuturesCosmopolitan Concerns33
Writing the Future editedDan Coxon and Richard V. Hirst42
Ex Marginalia: Essays on Writing Speculative Fiction by Persons of ColorChinelo Onwualu17
An Introduction to FantasyMatthew Sangster22
Fear of Seeing: A Poetics of Chinese Science FictionMingwei Song11
The Expanse ExpandedJamie Woodcock11
Ursula K. Le Guin’s A Wizard of EarthseaTimothy S Miller11
Destination Time TravelSteve Nallon & Dick Fiddy03
The Historical Dictionary of Fantasy LiteratureAllen Stroud01
Follow Me: Religion in Fantasy and Science Fiction Francesca T Barbini10
Blake’s 7 Production Diary Series AJonathan Helm00
Corroding the Now: Poetry + Science|SFFrancis Gene Rowe, Stephen Mooney, Richard Parker00
The Female Man: Eastercon talkFarah Mendlesohn

Once again, a very clear leader, but it’s striking how little penetration a lot of these have had. One of them is a lecture, so not surprisingly it has no owners on LT or GR. One has nobody rating it on GR, two have no owners on LT, and two more draw a blank on both. I guess that most SF fans read much more fiction rather than critique; I know I do.

I also think it would be helpful to know to what extent the administration of the awards is kept separate from the BSFA Committee; the Hugos make an explicit statement on this.

I feel the most uncomfortable about the Best Collection category, which is new this year. There are 51 nominees and 14 of them, more than a quarter, have no LibraryThing owners at all; four of those have nobody rating them on Goodreads either.

Title Author/EditorLTGR
Never Whistle at NightShane Hawk, Theodore C Van Alst Jr2364591
Hit Parade of TearsIzumi Suzuki60888
Ten PlanetsYuri Herrera46550
No One Will Come Back For UsPremee Mohamed38255
Drinking From Graveyard WellsYvette Ndlovu20159
Jewel BoxE. Lily Yu17135
New Suns 2Nisi Shawl2972
The InconsolablesMichael Wehunt11139
Multiverses: An Anthology of Alternate RealitiesPreston Grassman1686
A Taste of DarknessVarious6160
GunflowerLaura Jean McKay1075
Jackal, JackalTobi Ogundiran969
You Are My SunshineOctavia Cade1151
The Dead Man and Other StoriesGene Wolf1927
The Wolfe at the DoorGene Wolfe1334
Worlds Long LostChristopher Ruocchio651
PromiseChristi Nogle743
Best of British Science Fiction 2022Donna Scott1915
The Skin ThiefSuzan Palumbo450
The Shadow GalaxyJ Dianne Dotson334
Caged Ocean DubDare Segun Falowo811
Read, Scream, RepeatJennifer Killick171
Between Dystopias: The Road to AfropantheologyOghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki, Joshua Uchenna Omenga323
Like Smoke Like LightYukimi Ogawa416
Strange AttractorsJaine Fenn104
Judge Dredd: The Darkest Judge (graphic novel – collection of linked strips)Various127
Luminescent MachinationsRhiannon Rasmussen and dave ring39
Bioluminescent: A Lunarpunk AnthologyJustine Norton-Kerston210
Rosalind’s Siblings: Fiction and Poetry Celebrating Scientists of Marginalized GendersBogi Takács36
Embroidered WorldsValya Dudycz Lupescu, Olha Brylova, and Iryna Pasko121
Eclectic Dreams: A Milford AnthologyVarious25
Infinite Constellations: An Anthology of Identity Culture and Speculative ConjunctionsKhadijah Queen and Kiini Ibura Salaam24
Writing the FutureDan Coxon and Richard V. Hirst42
Where Rivers Go To DieDilman Dila15
Michael Butterworth – Complete Poems 1965-2020Michael Butterworth22
Rhapsody of the SpheresJuliana Rew22
Mothersound: The Sauútiverse AnthologyEdited by Wole Talabi21
Have You Seen the Moon Tonight? & Other RumorsJonathan Louis Duckworth011
Best of World SF: Volume 3Lavie Tidhar06
Extracting HumanityStephen Oram05
Fighting for the Future: Cyberpunk and Solarpunk TalesPhoebe Wagner05
Year’s Best African Speculative Fiction 2022Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki, Eugen Bacon, Milton Davis04
Twelve All in Dread: The Twelfth Witch and Other StoriesJuliana Rew04
Wolves and GirlsMaria Haskins04
Languages of WaterEditor, Eugen Bacon03
Indie YA BitesVarious02
Guerrilla Mural of A Siren SongErnest Hogan01
Beyond BetweenDavid Viner00
Corroding the NowFrancis Gene-Rowe, Stephen Mooney and Richard Parker00
Dark Stars: Sci-Fi Horror DrabblesEric Fomley00
Simultaneous Times Vol.3Jean-Paul L. Garnier00

I don’t really know how useful a long-list of such length can be, when it includes so many candidates who have little traction. I appreciate that awards can call attention to otherwise overlooked work, but a) I’m not convinced that an award decided by popular vote, as the BSFA and Hugo Awards are, is the best vehicle for doing that and b) this is best done with a short list, not a long list!

Also a little surprised to note a couple of crossovers with Best Collection, but maybe the shortlisting process will sort that out.

Finally, Best Novel. This long list is very long, at 65 nominees. Only two have slipped past LibraryThing users, and all of them have been rated by at least a couple of Goodreads users. So it’s relatively robust, though with a couple of crossovers with Best Shorter Fiction which again presumably the shortlisting will sort out. There’s certainly some attractive titles here, and indeed two books that I have actually read, unlike any of the other categories. 65 is shorter than last year’s 68, or the previous year’s 74; it’s still very long though.

YellowfaceR.F. Kuang1571306112
Starling HouseAlix E Harrow79746020
The Adventures of Amina al-SirafiShannon Chakraborty96932188
Starter VillainJohn Scalzi60424312
Witch KingMartha Wells78612949
Translation StateAnn Leckie3857137
The Narrow Road Between DesiresPatrick Rothfuss2549817
Some Desperate GloryEmily Tesh4125807
The Sinister Booksellers of BathGarth Nix3024476
The FutureNaomi Alderman2086112
Lords of UncreationAdrian Tchaikovsky1547437
Mimicking of Known SuccessesMalka Older2604082
BridgeLauren Beukes8611231
Titanium NoirNick Harkaway2004319
Infinity GateM.R. Carey1843429
In AscensionMartin MacInnes1553022
DragonfallL R Lam1832314
Sleep No MoreSeanan McGuire1222525
The First Bright ThingR. Dawson1512031
Malevolent SevenSebastien de Castell1022855
The Water OutlawsS.L. Huang1681393
JuliaSandra Newman1221717
Perilous TimesThomas D Lee1421438
The Surviving SkyKritika H. Rao1111266
Season of SkullsCharles Stross1011324
The Archive UndyingEmma Mieko Camden1261011
The Saint of Bright DoorsVajra Chandrasekera136931
Rose/HouseArkady Martine821366
Gods of the WyrdwoodR J Barker821035
The Death I Gave HimEm X. Liu681142
The Space Between UsDoug Johnstone401729
These Burning StarsBethany Jacobs75755
OrbitalSamantha Harvey61790
A Market of Dreams and DestinyTrip Gailey48523
The ValkyrieKate Heartfield41595
HopelandIan McDonald68319
More PerfectTemi Oh47383
Descendant MachineGareth L. Powell29591
The Fractured DarkMegan E. O’Keefe26644
Shigidi And The Brass Head Of ObalufonWole Talabi49329
The Circumference of the WorldLavie Tidhar40284
FrontierGrace Curtis13835
Cahokia JazzFrances Spufford46226
The InfiniteAda Hoffmann20232
The Master of SamarMelissa Scott23164
TalonsisterJen Williams17202
AirsideChristopher Priest22128
ConquestNina Allan24114
Hel’s EightStark Holborn17148
The Green Man’s QuarryJuliet McKenna11157
HIMGeoff Ryman1889
A Woman of the SwordAnna Smith Spark14114
Creation NodeStephen Baxter13119
Warrior of the WindSuyi Davies Okungbowa11120
A Second Chance For YesterdayR.A. Sinn10113
OneEve Smith3212
RefractionsMV Melcer789
LambMatt Hill373
Mother SeaLorraine Wilson146
The Pollutant SpeaksAlex Cochran311
All the Hollow of the SkyKit Whitfield215
The Disinformation WarSJ Groenewegen25
InkbloomE.D.E. Bell32
Prompt ExcursionLewis S Kingston011
The Red HairbandCatherine Greene03

One of the two books I have read from this list is Yellowface by R.F. Kuang, which is way out in front of the field with more Goodreads ratings than the other 64 combined and a smaller but still substantial lead on LibraryThing. I really don’t think that Yellowface is SF; it’s very much rooted in the present day, with no innovations of technology or weird magical stuff (the narrator has a couple of visions of a dead friend, but puts them down to stress). It’s not even about SF; the narrator writes a fantasy novel, but it’s a less important thread of the plot. I think that the BSFA Awards have missed a trick by not nominating Kuang previously; I think that she’s a great writer; and I think that Yellowface is an excellent book. But if it does get shortlisted, I won’t be voting for it, because I think that the BSFA Award for Best Novel should go to a work of SF.

(The other book I’ve read is The Future, by Naomi Alderman, which I also enjoyed.)

Doing all of this has been displacement activity as I eagerly anticipate the release of the nomination stats from last year’s Chengdu Worldcon; however I have to go out shortly for the rest of the evening, so my usual analysis will be tomorrow at the earliest.