December Books 12) Looking for Jake and other stories, by China Miéville

I’ve read most of Miéville’s novels, but hadn’t come across much of his short fiction except insofar as it has been nominated for various awards. This was a good set of stories, mostly leaning towards horror, mostly set in contemporary London (one set in New Crobuzon). There’s a lot of very effective writing and scene-setting – I particularly liked the short story told through correspondence and diary entries about a wandering street. Nothing that quite grabbed me by the throat, but all very pleasing.

One thought on “December Books 12) Looking for Jake and other stories, by China Miéville

  1. How is it even possible for stuff like this to go missing seeing as they are mostly preserved for posterity.

    So what’s new about the elections website? I noticed once you had a list of parties with their various degrees of existance described. I wouldn’t mind something similar for now as I can’t keep up with the number of unionist parties at the minute. The new NI21 party have said they will stand in the euros next year. Given that they will likely be joined by a DUP, UUP, TUV and UKIP candidates as well as possible tory (Nicholson is theirs too after all), PUP and even BNP candidates.

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