Review of Sex at Dawn: The Prehistoric Origins of Modern Sexuality by Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jethá. "I have not read such delightful, convincing, and readable science writing since the dearly lamented Stephen Jay Gould. This book is funny, absorbing, clear-eyed, and deeply anti-patriarchal in a way that feels incidental to the facts rather than rising from any agenda — which I find utterly, gleefully vindicating and deeply satisfying."
"Dear Hugo nominators: please do not nominate Connie Willis's Blackout/All Clear as a single work."
Graham Sleight on the Ninth Doctor: "Eccleston and the Ninth Doctor may now be remembered for their refusals, but refusals can sometimes be the bravest thing to do."
I thought number 1 was the best, because it’s the most realistic. Train scheduling is indeed a very complex matter, and it’s unlikely that there’s a simple solution.