Delicious LiveJournal Links for 11-5-2010

  • Iraq Body Count has patiently and consistently tabulated recorded deaths since the invasion. It has now conducted a preliminary analysis of a sample of the incidents recorded in the documents (including all the larger ones) (see Paul Rogers, “The harvest of war: from pain to gain”, 28 October 2010).This concludes that the logs both confirm the majority of the deaths it has already recorded, and the need for a definite upward revision of the estimated toll. IBC’s existing, pre-logs total was a little over 100,000 Iraqi civilian deaths, which has now been amended to 150,000, By comparison, fewer than 5,000 members of the US-led military coalition have died.

One thought on “Delicious LiveJournal Links for 11-5-2010

  1. Thanks – this was very helpful; in fact Candidate A turned down my offer, so I have used your line to Candidate B. Let’s see what happens…

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