The disruption caused by Queen Elizabeth II to one Dublin family's life.
Making the obvious point there there is absolutely no public interest in exposing the love life of a footballer, no matter how famous.
A lefty, but convincing, perspective on why Ignatieff failed so dismally.
Support for Scottish independence:
29% in Scotland pro, 58% against
41% in England and Wales pro, 40% against!!!
A Hebrew cartoonist looks at logistical problems facing Superman in London.
"First of all there needs to be some honesty from Ashton, ideally presented in a set-piece speech. She needs to publicly acknowledge that there are very major challenges to overcome in European Foreign Policy.
"Second, Ashton needs to ask for a pause of at least 6 months during which her focus must uniquely be on the administrative side of the functioning of the EEAS.
"Third she needs to work out who she trusts, and put at least some of those people in her cabinet.
"Relating to the third point, Ashton needs to address the low morale and staffing disorder that currently reigns inside the EEAS.
"Fourth, Ashton needs to get her communications in order, by employing a decent speechwriter, and by improving the web communications of the EEAS.
"Fifth, her timekeeping needs to improve – an unfortunate reputation of turning up late is now well known. "
"One of the most intriguing ‘fantasy politics’ games in Brussels is calculating when Cathy Ashton, the embattled European External Action Service head will return to Britain. While she has charm, this has not covered what has been described as a dismal performance in the new post-Lisbon position."
Dunno about you guys, but I too find it weird that the dead live on in cyberspace…
I was so excited to see this reactivated again!