Dingle of the Husseys, Part 7

From castle to castle:

The eighteenth we went to view the Island, which is a high monstrous castel, of many roomes, but very filthye and full of cow-dung. Thence to Castel-Magne, where we camped that night, to the great comfort of the Ward, who was kept in close by the traytours, and a certain Sept of the Erle’s followers, dwelling on the Reyver Mange, called the O’Moreartaghes (O’Moriarties). Thyther came there to us the Lord Fitz-Morrice, and his eldest son Patrick, with xvi horsemenne and gallowglasses, and xvi shott, well appointed and victualled, and attendeth the Lord Justice to the Dingell and back agayn.

The expedition into the far west is gathering force.