Doctor Who – brilliant unreleased scenes from 2010 series

Everyone else is linking to these, but I will too: two brilliant scenes made for the DVD of the most recent series of Doctor Who, the first of which could actually be a fairly good introduction to Doctor Who for people who know nothing about it:

And the second will go some way to reconciling fans of Old Who with the latest version:

Hmm, it’s a bit of a blur, but I make that Rose, Sarah Jane, Romana I, Liz, Martha, Romana I again, Rose again, Donna, Polly, Jo, Romana I again, Zoe, Katarina (!), Romana II, Leela, Barbara, Tegan, Peri, and lots of Leela. (And then back to the first set of shots looping again.)

Brilliant stuff.

One thought on “Doctor Who – brilliant unreleased scenes from 2010 series

  1. Are you comparing the Turkish government to Kim Il Sung? Saying that the Greece/Turkey border is contested to the same extent as the Korean border? Comparing their military situations? If not, why bring up Korea?

    Threatening to sink unarmed survey ships, and fucking around with fighter planes are not signs of a peaceful wish to ‘control your national territory’, it’s military brinkmanship. (Something both sides have been guilty of, in case you think I’m just being critical of the Greeks)

    According to NATO, in 2008, Greece spent 2.8 percent of G.D.P. on its military, or about €6.9 billion, or around $9.3 billion. Greece is the largest importer of conventional weapons in Europe and its military spending is the highest in the European Union (relative to G.D.P). And has compulsory conscription. That is an insane level of military spending for a country with no credible threats to its security and massive budget problems.

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