Doctor Who DVDs – what’s missing? and what do we want?

Ignore this if you have already seen on .

Dutifully filling in my Doctor Who Monthly annual poll, I realised that I didn’t have a convenient list of which Who stories are not yet available on DVD. So here are the as yet unreleased stories where all or most of the episodes survive (so including The Reign of Terror where there are two missing eps out of six and The Tenth Planet where there is one missing out of five). This list does not include DVDs due out in the next few months. It also doesn’t include The Ice Warriors, but that is my mistake.

I find it very weird that we got the complete Sixth Doctor before, say, Terror of the Autons, The Dæmons or Terror of the Zygons. But maybe we can pay them not to release The Dominators.

One thought on “Doctor Who DVDs – what’s missing? and what do we want?

  1. We did the app for WorldCon and I think it makes a huge difference to the convention experience frankly. It’s going to change the way things work.

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