Further job reflections

Coupled with buying the e-book about procrastination, I came to an uncomfortable realisation about my job (actually prompted by a comment from , here).

On Monday this week I reviewed a colleague’s memoirs of working in Clinton’s foreign policy team and pointed out to her where her account of one incident varied so much from two other published versions that she would have to either back her story up or change it. I also briefed an intelligence source about reports we had received of gun-running in one particular trouble-spot.

Yesterday I was sent a draft peace treaty for review. I passed on to the war crimes tribunal in the Hague a tip-off we’d received about one of their “clients”. I also had a long discussion with a Bulgarian diplomat about his country’s chairmanship this year of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe.

Today I saw a diplomat from one of the new EU member states who told me frankly that there was much better information in our reports than they could get from their own (small) diplomatic structure or than they would get from their European partners.

The fact is that I really like the movin’ and shakin’ aspects of my job, and I am silly to think that I would get much of a kick out of the lobbying sector. When I mentioned this to Anne last night she said that she was relieved that I had come to this realisation…

OK, back to chasing the European Commission and UK Foreign Office for my next job…

One thought on “Further job reflections

  1. I think with Good Omens fanfic, it’s down to the character interactions between them in the book. There is a good interplay between them and it makes for a starting point from which to write fanfic. It’s kind of like the old kit kat ad with the angel and demon taking a break from their hectic lives for a spot of tiffin (or in this case tea).

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