Gibbon Chapter XXXIV: Attila the Hun

Another shortish chapter, mainly about Attila the Hun with quite a long account of the mission of the Byzantine official Maximin to Attila’s headquarters in 448, presented as a first-hand travelogue by Priscus. At the end Theodosius II dies and is replaced by Marcian who marries his sister Pulcheria. Lots about Genghis Khan also for some reason.

One thought on “Gibbon Chapter XXXIV: Attila the Hun

  1. A friend went through a two-full-day process with a Big Pharma company a few years ago; they were looking at a large group of people while recruiting for an expansion at the time, though.

    From the other side, we recently recruited a new staff member and did the first round of interviews almost entirely by Skype, and only three people were taken through to the final interview stage on-site. That was partly because the long-list were scattered all over the place and we couldn’t afford to fly them all in for interview.

    I once went through an extremely unpleasant ‘informal chat’ that lasted three hours, followed by a very difficult formal panel interview, only to be told that I would need to be interviewed again because at the level they’d appoint me they needed a larger panel. I was annoyed but not surprised when a month later they told me they wouldn’t appoint me because I was too senior and expensive for the role they had in mind (which would have been evident from one glance at my CV).

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