Hugos 2009

Best Novel: The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman. Anathem was runner-up for first place (by 477 to 357), but was also overtaken by Little Brother for second place. Saturn’s Children fourth, Zoe’s Tale fifth. Books which didn’t quite make the cut: Matter by Iain M. Banks and Nation by Terry Pratchett, which came sixth and seventh in nominations. Highest-ranked book by a woman: Half a Crown, by Jo Walton, 11th place.

Best Novella: "The Erdmann Nexus" by Nancy Kress (for my money the least impressive of the winning stories), with 341 final votes to 252 for "The Tear". "Truth" also overtook "The Tear" to come second; "True Names" fourth, "The Political Prisoner" fifth.

Best Novelette: "Shoggoths in Bloom" by Elizabeth Bear, by 331 to 309 for "Pride and Prometheus" (closest result for any fiction category). "Pride and Prometheus" second, "The Ray-Gun: A Love Story" third, "The Gambler" fourth, "Alastair Baffle’s Emporium of Wonders" fifth.

Best Short Story: "Exhalation", by Ted Chiang, by 385 to 330 for "26 Monkeys; also, the Abyss" which comes second; "From Babel’s Fall’n Glory We Fled" third, "Evil Robot Monkey" fourth, and (to my relief) "Article of Faith" fifth with 496 to 120 for "No Award" (best result numerically for "No Award" all evening).

All four written fiction awards go to previous winners; two to women, two to men; one to a writer born between 1942 and 1951.

Best Related Book: Your Hate Mail Will be Graded, by John Scalzi, by 285 to 233 for Rhetorics of Fantasy which comes second. What It Is We Do When We Read Science Fiction third, The Vorkosigan Companion fourth, Spectrum 15 fifth.

Best Graphic Story: Girl Genius, Volume 8: Agatha Heterodyne and the Chapel of Bones by Kaja & Phil Foglio, with 290 to 239 for Serenity: Better Days which comes second. The Dresden Files: Welcome to the Jungle third, Fables: War and Pieces fourth, Schlock Mercenary: The Body Politic fifth; interesting that Schlock Mercenary was the only one which was made available to all Hugo voters, and still came last! ("No Award" did well against it, 99 to 251.) Just missed nomination: The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite, by Gerard Way and Gabriel Ba; Aetheric Mechanics by Warren Ellis; Freakangels by Warren Ellis; Fables: The Good Prince by Bill Willingham.

Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form: Doctor Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog, by 417 to 318 for Doctor Who: Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead, which comes second. Doctor Who: Turn Left comes third, Battlestar Galactica: Revelations fourth, and Lost: The Constant fifth (though with another good showing for "No Award", 111 to 323).

Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form: Wall-E walks it, crushing Dark Knight and Iron Man which come second and third respectively, 493 to 221 and 194. Hellboy II: The Golden Army fourth, METAtropolis fifth.

Best Professional Artist: Donato Giancola (the second most nominated candidate, Stephan Martiniere, declined nomination)

Best Editor, Short Form: Ellen Datlow

Best Editor, Long Form: David G. Hartwell

Best Semiprozine: Weird Tales

Best Fanzine: Electric Velocipede, by a mere 7 votes from File 770, 185 to 178

Best Fan Artist: Frank Wu (the most nominated candidate, Steve Stiles, declined nomination)

Best Fan Writer: Cheryl Morgan

The John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer: David Anthony Durham by a mere three votes from Aliette de Bodard, 161 to 158.

Congrats to all. (Numbers available here and here.)

One thought on “Hugos 2009

  1. The NI Conservatives stuff is frankly brain-melting. There is a small group of people who fantasise about a desire for ‘normal politics’ on behalf of Northern Ireland’s voters. I think the voters have repeatedly delivered their verdict on this. The problem is that by ‘normal politics’, the NI Tories (and the even smaller NI Labour group) actually mean ‘English politics’ – not Scottish or Welsh, where Labour and the Nationalists compete for the top spot, with Tories and Lib Dems (now the UK’s ruling coalition partners!) in third and fourth place. Most Northern Irish voters know Scotland at least as well as they know England, and can spot the difference between ‘normal’ and ‘English’, in politics or anything else.

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