Illegal Alien, by Mike Tucker and Robert Perry

Second paragraph of third chapter:


A Seventh Doctor novel published in 1997, featuring Ace and Cybermen in wartime 1940s London; grittily imagined, with good characterisation; one of the better Past Doctor Adventures that I have read. It shares certain resonances with The Doctor Dances / The Empty Child, but is really very true to the spirit of McCoy era Who, to the point that I wondered if it could have been a script in its own right.

As indeed, apparently, it was – submitted for the 1990 season that was never made.

This was the next in the internal chronology of Seventh Doctor novels other than the New Adventures, set immediately after Survival. The next is Matrix, by the same authors, which I read and liked in 2011Storm Harvest, also by the same authors, which I also read and liked in 2011. So April’s Seventh Doctor book will be Prime Time, by Mike Tucker alone.

One thought on “Illegal Alien, by Mike Tucker and Robert Perry

  1. Ouch. I hope that you recover swiftly. Or, at least, have plenty to keep you amused in bed!

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