Interesting Links for 01-01-2017

One thought on “Interesting Links for 01-01-2017

  1. this review gets to the problem nicely

    “It’s been established and re-established that the Time War made the Time Lords as terrible as the Daleks. As late as the ‘Night of the Doctor’ minisode, which went out barely a week before the episode itself, this was still the case. The pilot reacts to the classic “bigger on the inside” line not as a promise but a threat, and unhesitatingly chooses death over rescue. (A moment which is, quite honestly, stronger than anything which happens in the actual episode.)
    All of which is swept away in a puff of feelgood. Their mutual animosity is no longer threatening the universe. The Time Lords, now chiefly represented by children, are instead under unprovoked Dalek attack – in some Pearl Harbour moment. Their High Command regard the Doctor as a bit of an unpredictable maverick, but that’s about the worst thing you can say of them.”

    One could imagine a Doctor who is haunted by his failure to save Gallifrey in the Time War, or that he had to destroy Gallifrey (hours before the Daleks did it) in order to destroy the Daleks. And that seems to be the new continuity (but really the Doctor only thought he failed to save Gallifrey, and now he knows better)
    But that’s less interesting than a Doctor who is haunted by the fact that he had to destroy his own people (and the Daleks) in order to stop them from destroying the universe. Which is what the story seemed to be, right up to Saturday evening.

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