- Estonian Roulette | Politics | News | ERR
@lobjakas: Repeating the course of history in the 1930s, Estonia’s foreign policy focus is shifting away from the anglophone powers.
- The Handmaid’s Tale, Fahrenheit 451 & Other Beautiful New Folio Society Books
- Visualizing the Global Digital Divide By Mapping Internet And Population — vis4.net
“shows more than 80,000 populated places in blue and about 350,000 locations of IP addresses in red. White dots indicate places where many people live and many IP addresses are available.”
- Azerbaijan: Baku Fumes Over Scuttled Ambassadorial Appointment
This is crazy: Bryza excellent choice, vetoed for no good reason.
- Resignation up-date | Roger Helmer MEP
Resigning Tory MEP clarifies situation.
- The Cheese “Terroir”
The Bosnian dairy industry.
- Citizenship: In praise of a second (or third) passport | The Economist
“The old notion of one-man, one-state citizenship looks outdated: more than 200m people now live and work outside the countries in which they were born—but still wish to travel home, or marry or invest there.”
- New 50p coin aimed at explaining offside law ‘gets offside law wrong’ | Football | The Guardian
It’s a quote from Kipling’s poem “The Vampire”.