- Why Facts Don’t Change Our Minds
- Beware your own mindset!
(tags: psychology ) - GOP congressman worries about terrorists using bales of marijuana to smuggle nukes into the U.S.
- Wow.
(tags: uspolitics ) - Oxford distances itself from Trump favourite Malloch
- @FT putting the boot in!
(tags: uspolitics ) - Profile in Courage: Iceland’s President Denounces Pineapple As a Pizza Topping | Foreign Policy
- Brave statement:
Mér finnst ananas góður, bara ekki á pítsu. Ég get ekki sett lög sem banna fólki að setja ananas á pítsuna sína. Mér finnst gott að hafa ekki þau völd. Forsetar eiga ekki að hafa alræðisvald. Ég myndi ekki vilja gegna þessa embætti ef ég gæti sett lög sem bönnuðu það sem mér mislíkar. Ég myndi ekki vilja búa í þannig landi. Ég mæli með fiskmeti á pítsu.
I like pineapples, just not on pizza. I do not have the power to make laws which forbid people to put pineapples on their pizza. I am glad that I do not hold such power. Presidents should not have unlimited power. I would not want to hold this position if I could pass laws forbidding that which I don´t like. I would not want to live in such a country. For pizzas, I recommend seafood.
(tags: politics pizza food iceland ) - Northern Ireland has most congested road in UK outside London
- And it’s literally the street where I grew up!
(tags: northernireland ) - The English House of the Future – various authors inc H.G. Wells
- Forecasting the year 2000 in 1903.
(tags: sf architecture )
C.L. Anderson (Sarah Zettel), Bitter Angels: A nice return to SF for Zettel. I quite enjoyed it and wish she’d write more in this universe. A bit bleak, IIRC.
Flora! Flora!
Ysabeau Wilce, Flora Segunda: YA but easily enjoyable for adults. Set on an alternative west coast of the US (in the Bay area). Flora’s a mostly abandoned by her parents girl who longs for adventure–and finds it. (She has daughter-of-very-famous-people-itis). I think the sequel, Flora’s Dare is even better.
Kowal Robinette, Shades of Milk and Honey: I found it overhyped but enjoyable (Regency magic). The sequels are better.
Aaronovitch, Rivers of London: Another overhyped book, but breezy, assured writing, well-drawn characters. The main character, upon finding himself involved with magic, starts researching his abilities and its limits scientifically which is a really nice change.
Hobb: Gave up on the Fitz books after 2 or maybe this book–much too bleak, and bloated. Fitz isn’t a favorite character either.
Delany: As Gareth Rees says a very interesting book full of small details that stick with you. At the time a sequel was planned, but never executed. That’s likely the question Delany is most often asked.
Alison Bechdel, Are you my mother?: I didn’t find it as powerful as Fun House and much too full of psychoanalysis details.
Ack! Missed checking Race of Scorpions. As I’ve said in past years, I like the Niccolo books better than Lymond. IIRC, this is not a favorite entry in the series. It’s set mostly in Cyprus.