- The Pope’s digital guru
- His Holiness online.
(tags: religion ) - Don’t call this Government pro-European
- A Moldovan speaks out.
(tags: moldova ) - Cameron on Muslim women: shoddy and shameful
- Good on @RobinLustig.
(tags: ukpolitics migration islam ) - Toxic Workers
- Great paper by @MichaelHousman and Dylan Minor on the cost of hiring assholes.
(tags: work ) - UK Doomsday Nuke Subs Still Run Windows XP
- The bombs are perfectly safe; we’re the ones in trouble!
(tags: ukpolitics war nuclear ) - Shakespeare Scholar Arrested and Held by UK Immigration
- UK government celebrates 400 years by waging war on Shakespeare experts.
(tags: shakespeare ukpolitics migration ) - An Open Letter to Sad Puppies IV
- @PhilSandifer asks questions.
(tags: sf sadpuppies ) - Steven Moffat has produced some great Doctor Who. So how did he become so hated?
- @jonnelledge appeals for perspective.
(tags: doctorwho )