- What Europe must do, now that England has decided to leave
- Former Taoiseach John Bruton on the next steps.
(tags: eu ) - Seven Immediate Lessons From the Brexit Vote
- My colleague Geoff Beattie, on what went wrong and what comes next.
(tags: ukpolitics eu ) - How to apply for an Irish passport
- Just in case you wanted to know.
(tags: ireland ) - The path to Belgian citizenship: an expat trail guide
- Just in case you wanted to know.
(tags: Belgium ) - Brexit, devolution and legislative consent
- Holyrood and Stormont do *not* have a veto. #fb
(tags: ukpolitics northernireland eu scotland ) - Europe Today… and Tomorrow?
- @SirGrahamWatson writes of the coming shitstorm (his word). #fb
(tags: eu ukpolitics ) - Tales from the Coffeeshop: Our hearts go out to those misled Brits
- Cyprus commentary. “Call me a reactionary, but I would feel much safer in a Europe under the control of a super-state run by unaccountable, unelected, loan sharks and bureaucrats when the alternative would be a Europe of ultra-nationalist, anti-immigration fascist states.”
(tags: eu ukpolitics cyprus ) - I want my country back – Laurie Penny
- “This was a working-class revolt, but it is not a working-class victory.”
(tags: eu ukpolitics )