This has often been a time of year when job prospects mature. Well, twice; I got my job with NDI in Bosnia on Christmas Eve 1996, which really started me on this whole international politics thing, and then just over two years alter got my job with CEPS in Brussels on 4 January 1999. We’ve been in Belgium for almost seven years.
So, I finish 2005 with a few
Secondly, I popped up to NATO on Wednesday for a chat with a senior official (ex-Deputy Assistant Secretary General) there. I did apply for a NATO job last year, but nothing came of it. Anyway, my high-level contact on the inside told me that if the right job came up, I’d be a good candidate. More to the point, the bloke of about my age who currently has a decent NATO job is likely to be moving on in February, and I would be an obvious candidate for his current position. (Problem is, not sure if I actually want to do that particular job!)
My two NGO prospects are both somewhat dim at the moment. Haven’t heard any more from either of them in terms of their getting funding together. And in any case, I think I prefer the idea of getting out of the NGO sector after 7 years…
re: Downward spiral of ownership and value –
It’s a fair criticism. On the other hand, from an environmental perspective, there’s a lot to be gained from mainstreaming the share model. EBooks are just part of that wave.