- Space Debris: 1957 – 2015
Brilliant visualisation.
- The Developer Formerly Known as FreeBSDGirl
Failing to deal with harassment.
- Open Carry Gun Laws Make It Harder to Protect the Public, Police Chiefs Say
- State Papers: Disapproval of gardaí retaining maiden names
1985 – a different time!
- Researchers create genetic map of the British Isles
- The Rise and Decline of Wikipedia
How it repels users.
- Ten Things 2015 Showed Us About Diplomacy
The Naked Diplomat writes.
- Predictability is going through some unpredictable changes.
The Future No Longer Works the Way We Thought It Did
- A Farewell to Istanbul
@Hugh_Pope reflects on his 28 years in the city.
- Britain, immigration and Brexit
@SimonTilford nails it.
- Medieval Gothic Graffiti from the Crimea.
- Our Absurd Fear of Fat
A little extra can be good for you.
- A day out in Calais
The shame of the Jungle.
- Why Saturn Is the Best Planet
@TheAtlantic eats its words.
- Twitter is not broken, and they should stop trying to fix it
- Comic-book festival bows to pressure over all-male award shortlist
- Curtin University meteorite discovery could hold clues to solar system creation
Dug out of the ground with their bare hands.
- Thirteen trends for 2016
@ecfr looks ahead.
- Happy Birthday Roy Batty! Or would that be Happy Incept Day for a Blade Runner replicant?
8 January 2015 in sf history.