March Books 21) Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery

A wholesome tale of an enthusiastic orphan girl accidentally adopted by a brother and sister in rural Prince Edward Island, bringing a mild amount of subversive chaos to their orderly lives and to the life of their small town. It’s not terribly challenging or profound, and the claim made on the cover that Anne is “the most beloved, beguiling and timeless heroine in all of fiction” seems just a tad exaggerated. I don’t think I shall bother with the sequels.

One thought on “March Books 21) Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery

  1. Oops– I meant that I liked _Deadline_ less than Feed.

    To be a little more specific, the main character bullied someone I identified with (short, female, not athletic). She remained loyal to the mission, put up with his crap, and died nobly. His bullying was never addressed. This is probably realistic, but it’s not the sort of realism I read fiction for.

    As for political whiplash, _Feed_ is the most partisan sf I’ve ever seen. It has a good intelligent Democratic presidential candidate, and an evil (though not especially stupid) Republican candidate.

    There’s somewhat (endlessly repeated) about security systems being overdone, but nothing clear about what a good level of security would be.

    The argument against capital punishment is stupid but comprehensible. I couldn’t make sense of the argument against gun ownership.

    Basically, the tone is “trust the government, it’s doing important things”.

    Then, we find out that the CDC is utterly corrupt at the top. Ok, fine… but I wish someone in the story had noticed the change from one cliche to another. The presidential campaign is completely forgotten in _Deadline_.

    As for McGuire, I sort of like the October Daye stories– even if some of the story drags, McGuire has a way of cranking up the emotional intensity for the big scenes that I appreciate. On the other hand, I’m getting tired of Daye achieving amazing feats of saving Fae, and then being shat on because she’s a halfbreed.

    Again, this can be realism (I think there have be a couple of generals in history who were treated like that, though possibly for political rather than racial reasons), but enough already in the series.

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