The Seventh Doctor and Ace find themselves in Wales dealing with peculiar mythological creatures leaking through from a parallel world, an adventure that self-consciously references both Delta and the Bannermen and Survival. This is one of the least impressive Doctor Who books I have ever read, and certainly the worst New Adventure that I have got to so far. No matter what you may think of Torchwood, it did this plot and setting rather better, several times. I see various fan sites excoriating the limp writing, flabby characterisation and unresolved plot lines of this book; I shall add a complaint about Welsh and Irish names being randomly jumbled together with unicorns and centaurs, because it’s all mythical, y’know. Thanks to
(And I still do not see much linkage between the three Cat’s Cradle books.)
I’m glad you liked it.
It has had a very good response from people who are much older and much younger — but it’s weird that everyone about my age mentions in their review that this is a potential problem. And if they’re women about my age, they add that they don’t know if men will get it. Very strange.