It’s always good to see a solid work of space opera with, y’know, actual spaceships on the Hugo shortlist, and Leviathan Wakes scratches that itch this year. It’s a jolly good tale of political intrigue in the asteroid belt, with the two main characters an over-honest spaceship captain and a burntout detective from Ceres, getting involved in a complex plot of Big Business and alien biology causing interplanetary war. Not exactly groundbreaking but very good of its type.
I resigned from the LibDems over tuition fees, and my only regret is that I was therefore unable to resign again over the behaviour of the party in government. Frankly, I am sick over the policies that have been enacted throughout this government. It is hard to say that any of them have been liberal in a sense that I would understand, and many have been obnoxiously right wing. The few opportunities for genuinely liberal reform that have come along, such as proportional representation, were handled so ineptly by the current leadership that it is hard to believe they ever wanted those policies to succeed. I am embarrassed that I was ever associated with a party that could put its name to the policies that came into effect today. That a party that pretends to be liberal could contemplate such damage to the poorest members of society, to the National Health Service, to our legal system, beggars belief. I honestly do not know how anyone with an iota of human decency could continue to support the party.