Music of the world

Was at a Finnish embassy reception this evening, in view of their EU presidency, and they had four singers performing beautifully melodious songs. Finnish is one of the most pleasant languages to listen to – I guess euphonic is the right adjective – that I come into contact with. Can’t understand a word, of course, but I love hearing it.

And earlier in the day, a combination of a Moldova meeting and reminded me of this. Vrei să pleci dar nu mă, nu mă iei, Nu mă, nu mă iei, nu mă, nu mă, nu mă iei! Chipul tău şi dragostea din tei, Mi-amintesc de ochii tăi iei!

And finally, points us to this wonderful resource of Persian music.

One thought on “Music of the world

  1. My recommendations would be Hand’s Waking the Moon, Walton’s Among Others, Kingsolver’s The Lacuna and everything by Doris Lessing.

    I remember Nourse’s The Universe Between and Norton’s Beastmaster books very fondly from multiple rereading in childhood, but doubt they have stood the test of time.

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