- Mon, 12:02: RT @DaveKeating: Barnier, speaking at #CERFutureEU, says Northern Ireland needs a separate status to rest of UK to prevent a hard border on…
- Mon, 12:02: RT @FHeisbourg: Barnier @CER_EU in Brussels: we need to avoid Ireland hard border. NI already has specific rules. UK as co-guarantor of Goo…
- Mon, 12:56: The Brexit Vote, Inflation and UK Living Standards https://t.co/APew4PSH3M It’s “cost the average worker one week’s wages due to higher pr…
- Mon, 13:01: RT @NIAEUMatters: Speaking at Centre for European Reform today, Michel Barnier refers to #Brexit and Northern Ireland and all-Ireland areas…
- Mon, 13:04: RT @JP_Biz: The Irish bit of today’s Barnier speech https://t.co/MsL4LT0lPA
- Mon, 13:24: I misquote Lewis Carroll at 0:45. https://t.co/r0mqvTZTnj
- Mon, 13:24: RT @CrisisGroup: #CHEurope debates migration misconceptions: – Migrants are lazy (in fact 73% work) – Migrants are young men (48% are wome…
- Mon, 13:44: In all fairness, a good summary from @telegraph correspondent. https://t.co/cNqF5alpXO
- Mon, 15:05: RT @PeterKGeoghegan: This is a very good point. Average irish person knows so much more about Britain than the other way round. https://t.c…
- Mon, 15:16: RT @BradStaples: A really thought provoking panel this morning on the challenges facing Europe and its neighbourhood w/ @QuentinPeel @khanf…
- Mon, 16:21: RT @jurilaas: Starting now. https://t.co/90sTxNWhJL
- Mon, 16:29: RT @EU_Arauzo: #EMA relocation: First voting round over. Now votes are being counted.
- Mon, 16:30: RT @APCOBXLInsider: Vote starting now #EMA #EBA #GAC https://t.co/tv5j9HwoHi
- Mon, 16:45: RT @jimbrunsden: #Milan #Amsterdam and #Copenhagen through to round 2 of contest to host #EU Medicines Agency #EMA
- Mon, 16:45: RT @POLITICOEurope: BREAKING: Milan, Amsterdam and Copenhagen are through to the second round of #EMA relocation votes https://t.co/K7Ha5zL…
- Mon, 16:49: RT @JSegenhout: Amsterdam had bij eerste ronde 20 punten, Milaan 25 punten, Kopenhagen ook 20 punten. #verkiezing #EU #EMA. Oost-Europese k…
- Mon, 16:50: RT @APCOBXLInsider: The three finalists for the relocation of #EMA are: #Milano, #Amsterdam, #Copenhagen #GAC
- Mon, 16:57: RT @CrisisGroup: Many diverse views as #CHEurope panel explores facets of Russia’s strained ties with the West, including whether the count…
- Mon, 16:58: RT @CrisisGroup: Lively panel debates Russia and the West at our #CHEurope joint day discussing “Europe and its Neighbourhood” with partner…
- Mon, 16:58: RT @BradStaples: Thanks to @ChathamHouse and @CrisisGroup for a series of very timely sessions this morning on the future of Europe. Always…
- Mon, 17:17: 32 votes for E Europeans (Bratislava, Warsaw, Bucharest, Sofia) suggests region was not all that cohesive (each cou… https://t.co/SITW7GLZVA
- Mon, 17:22: Won’t take as long to count this time! #EMA https://t.co/sS1hWvTjca
- Mon, 17:28: RT @APCOBXLInsider: 2nd round done and results in 5 minutes #EMA https://t.co/ysWb940K4s
- Mon, 17:31: RT @OleRyborg: Milan and Amsterdam to battle in the last round on hosting the #EMA after #Brexit
- Mon, 17:31: RT @APCOBXLInsider: And #Copenhagen is out #EMA https://t.co/1ShOY0Kqn5
- Mon, 17:33: That adds up to only 26 – who abstained??? #EMA https://t.co/uWnVyB7Aji
- Mon, 17:47: RT @janekinninmont: Speaker: Trump and his administration believe that under Obama, US deterrence was eroded – in the eyes of Iran and othe…
- Mon, 17:54: RT @apcoworldwide: Last night, #coalition talks in Germany collapsed, leaving the country with an unstable political future. Here’s what yo…
- Mon, 17:55: RT @copenhenken: Amsterdam and Milan last remaining candidates for #EMA. In #UNSC election 2016 and were in dead heat & decided…
- Mon, 18:01: Revising this – at least 4 did not fill out full 1st round ballot for #EMA. Most likely 6 did not – 4 who voted onl… https://t.co/jXqCJ2EVZR
- Mon, 18:02: RT @APCOBXLInsider: 3rd round starting. If it’s a tie they’ll flip a coin. #EMA https://t.co/seHGdvlIU7
- Mon, 18:10: RT @RiaEU: It’s a tie in #EMA bid, says EU source #eudk #sundpol
- Mon, 18:12: RT @POLITICOEurope: The third round of #EMA votes results in a tie, 13-13. What now? https://t.co/K7Ha5zLoc7 https://t.co/29mzDYPPcA
- Mon, 18:16: RT @APCOBXLInsider: #Amsterdam the new home of #EMA. What an afternoon! https://t.co/UEChEgpneT
- Mon, 18:16: RT @CH_Events: Europe rallying around fear of terrorism distracts from focussing on its own weaknesses – essential that whilst facing exter…
- Mon, 18:34: RT @mepassistants: Milan vs Amsterdam for #EMA. Time to up the stakes. https://t.co/Ur5i3f4lRz
- Mon, 19:28: Sunday reading (a day late) https://t.co/MiMt2bReON
- Mon, 21:53: RT @davidallengreen: Joseph Chamberlain broke one party on the issue of Ireland, and he broke another party on the issue of trade. Twenty…
- Mon, 22:04: RT @simoncoveney: Absolutely gutted this evening after losing to Paris in EU vote to host EBA. Dublin beat all other cities + ended up in t…
- Mon, 22:27: RT @campaignforleo: Luck of the Irish didn’t hold today . 9 years since the banking collapse, who’d have thought we’d some so close to win…
- Mon, 23:51: RT @WomaninHavana: A reminder: In April 2017, David Davis @DExEUgov said Brexit did not mean medicine or banking agency would have to leave…
Yeah I liked that one rather a lot (though Andrew never stops referring to Flip by what he clearly thinks is her full name: Flip Who Is Rubbish).