- Mon, 12:56: RT @DanielFerrie: Draft #Brexit agreement online: https://t.co/iUGHDxNrT3
- Mon, 18:24: Monday reading https://t.co/VNny4wujJL
- Mon, 20:48: ‘Landscape’ ahead of the Hungarian elections https://t.co/xU1DMHA12p The stakes are high, says @NiedermullerMEP.
- Tue, 09:04: RT @JP_Biz: December: ‘We agree there should be a backstop option in the Withdrawal Agreement.’ February: ‘We don’t agree with this legal t…
- Tue, 09:05: RT @jonworth: This is spot on. “Brexit analysis: Deal is a holding of the line for Ireland” by @patricksmyth1 How yesterday’s “deal” in Br…
- Tue, 10:45: ‘I forget my PE kit deliberately’ – the boys who hate sport https://t.co/u93FuUEX8w Yep. This was me.
- Tue, 11:30: RT @David_K_Clark: @nwbrux We used to get sent on cross country runs in the middle of winter. If the snow was too deep, boys and girls were…
- Tue, 11:44: RT @njj4: @nwbrux I didn’t mind PE so much, because that was indoors and mostly involved just running around a bit. But I hated sport. Rugb…
- Tue, 11:53: RT @njj4: @nwbrux Some years later it turns out that actually I like running and am not too bad at it. With a bit more support and training…
- Tue, 11:54: RT @b_judah: Recently at her party conference, I listened to Marine Le Pen call for smashing the GAFA — Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple.…
- Tue, 11:54: RT @Iainbking: @nwbrux And me. PE and so called ‘games’ was awful. It inspired in me a life long interest in all things non-sport related.
- Tue, 11:55: RT @greensideknits: @nwbrux My favourite ever school PE report read “Catherine always tries hard”. Said it all.
- Tue, 11:57: RT @greensideknits: @nwbrux My point exactly. My ability to fly completely under the PE teachers’ radar had been achieved…
- Tue, 11:59: RT @AdrianHiel: @nwbrux Didn’t like it at all. Overweight and lousy at sports in school. But in my 20s moved to Belgium and with the right…