- Tue, 12:56: Do you know the difference between a jetty, pier, wharf & quay? https://t.co/3cjCC19qHV In case you were wondering.
- Tue, 12:56: RT @cboussClaire: Difficile d’égaler la clarté de la vision européenne d’@EmmanuelMacron . Espérons qu’il soit suivi par 26 Etats membres.…
- Tue, 15:33: RT @knufleckenstein: Congratulations! Am very happy. Big step forward for Albania! Unconditional recommendation from the EU-commission to o…
- Tue, 15:33: RT @tfajon: Well done, Albania! Great news and a big step forward. Happy for your success! https://t.co/zQXRivb7Jz
- Tue, 15:45: RT @dannyctkemp: Breaking – European Commission backs opening accession talks with Albania and Macedonia – @AFP
- Tue, 15:51: RT @ditmirbushati: Great day for #Albania: @EU_Commission recommends the opening of accession negotiations. Clear message that the deep ref…
- Tue, 15:57: RT @BlendiSalaj: @FedericaMog says the recommendation on #Albania is very serious and factual. Recommendations were followed First results…
- Tue, 16:08: RT @EUinAlbania: HRVP @FedericaMog and Commissioner @JHahnEU: “The Commission recommends today that the Council decides that accession nego…
- Tue, 16:39: RT @ALDEgroup: “Today´s Commission recommendation to the Council to start EU accession negotiations with #Albania and #Macedonia is an impo…
- Tue, 18:39: Free Radical, by Vince Cable https://t.co/dp8zIvH9mp
- Tue, 19:18: RT @Dimitrov_Nikola: Thank you dear @EZaharievaMFA for your friendship, leadership and vision! https://t.co/WQIKHy8DYg
- Tue, 19:22: RT @PaulbernalUK: For Labour people thinking their party didn’t contribute to the hostile atmosphere, a little reminder…. #Windrush https…
- Wed, 10:26: RT @JenniferMerode: Today’s Brexit warning from Donald Tusk: “The UK’s decision on Brexit has caused the problem [of the Irish border] and…
- Wed, 10:45: Former Lib Dem SPAd on how the Home Office became so inhuman under Theresa May. https://t.co/qnKUSxez26