- Wed, 12:56: Firelight, by Ursula K. Le Guin https://t.co/lFRQKRaJte The very last story of Earthsea. (Alas, partly paywalled.)
- Wed, 16:05: That Love Island Oxbridge comparison says more about you than modern Britain https://t.co/dsJxTQBdCC Was unaware of… https://t.co/0UtUJyhuGf
- Wed, 18:19: Collected Works, ed. Nick Wallace https://t.co/jAEE7t4pFQ
- Wed, 22:07: RT @brheading: rumour has it that David Davis wants to resign while staying in the cabinet, and believes that German car manufacturers will…
hy-PO-the-sis – definitely four syllables, with the accent in the middle.