Wed, 16:05: RT @SirWilliamD: The oldest known photograph of #London – Whitehall from Trafalgar Square, taken in 1839 by M. de St. Croix. Charles Dicken…
Wed, 20:48: RT @MuslimIQ: Today I returned home after a week in London. Customs & Border Protection “randomly selected” me even after I passed passport…
Wed, 22:02: RT @lionelbarber: Friends of Boris “burka” Johnson say he is speaking up for liberal values. This is tosh. Genuine liberals don’t make cal…
Thu, 11:23: RT @pickwick: I see Pinker’s now so alt-right that he’ll tweet bollocks that a first-year linguistics student could refute, about a field h…
Thu, 11:23: RT @pickwick: Pinker seems to be arguing that words have no power to affect people, which is certainly an brave tack for an author to take.