- Sat, 12:56: How the Netherlands Feeds the World https://t.co/NInOdYzELy Amazing. Well worth a read.
- Sat, 14:45: RT @Scientists4EU: This is >£500m *per annum*, to be clear. If no-deal Brexit stops ERC, MSCA & SMEi grants from being signed from end Mar…
- Sat, 14:50: RT @Popehat: So this was not one of my better takes to be fair it was January; I did not yet fully appreciate 2018 https://t.co/UZ34QyHOby
- Sat, 16:05: RT @astroehlein: Oh. https://t.co/L2W8BXYEVK
- Sat, 20:48: #1137: “There’s no room in the Room of My Own.” https://t.co/koc96vjYed The problem of domestic distraction.
- Sun, 10:45: The worst boss stories I’ve heard in a decade-plus of writing a workplace advice column. https://t.co/zxeN4RsJPr Wow. Just, wow.