- Wed, 12:56: What it’s like to fall 31 miles to Earth after your rocket fails https://t.co/pp3wzpCizx Wow.
- Wed, 13:36: Putting Up Roots, by Charles Sheffield https://t.co/GGJLm80LPu
- Wed, 15:49: RT @NonWhiteHat: I’m not going to bother tallying the laws violated in this story. https://t.co/4imWc08O9T
- Wed, 16:05: Why So Many Fantasy Novels Are Obsessed With Academia https://t.co/B4Pp9jFCZk It’s a fair point.
- Wed, 18:12: RT @AlynSmith: The absolute state of this. More accurately: “How the EU view peace in Ireland as more important than some brexiter’s delusi…
- Wed, 18:12: RT @jonlis1: Pretty sure the British establishment never used to get so outraged by divide-and-rule in Ireland https://t.co/nj4bx4Dqv4
- Wed, 18:12: RT @nealerichmond: Excuse me @spectator do you not get that Ireland is the EU? We’re not being used, maybe if the #Brexiteers had taken a m…
- Wed, 18:12: RT @jonlis1: The Brexit establishment’s unquenchable contempt for Ireland, stunned disbelief the Irish government dares to defy it, and spi…
- Wed, 18:15: RT @hayward_katy: If there was an image designed to provoke utter despair among people (of all backgrounds) on the island of Ireland, it is…
- Wed, 18:38: When the customs union on the island of Ireland came to an end. (31 March 1923, almost four months after the Irish… https://t.co/oNSxragTX0
- Wed, 20:42: RT @MichaelLCrick: Happy Birthday. The psephologist Sir David Butler, who developed the concept of “swing” in elections, and invented the…
- Wed, 20:48: Divided Britain: study finds huge chasm in attitudes https://t.co/XmQXRy0aT8 Very interesting; part of Cambridge wh… https://t.co/cTS5GSeXi1
- Wed, 20:48: RT @NevilleSouthall: The idea that the tiny numbers of trans people can somehow threaten the rights of non-trans women, who make up 52% of…
- Wed, 23:07: RT @pmdfoster: The key part of EU read out on Summit dinner. Tough. Not catastrophic. But the over-riding message all night from multiple…
- Thu, 02:23: RT @MariellevHeumen: At #ETTG2018 – @BillGates: Great progress is made in #development – #polio is almost eradicated, @gavi is providing li…
- Thu, 10:24: RT @BradStaples: Successful companies today are curious and agile. I’m happy to announce @apcoworldwide has partnered with @gagenmac, @oxfo…
- Thu, 10:45: My cousin @maxjsanderson making his mark. https://t.co/G08HzcPRy2
Two (southern) Irish people just mentioned foostering to me in this connection. which in turn called to my mind “foosty” (meaning mouldy or musty). But according to purported etymologies, the former is of Romance origin, the second from Irish, and the latter is from ME! Well, at least it’s all proto-Indo-European…
The similarity with foo(s)tering makes me a little skeptical of these claims, or at least suspect some sort of assimilation between the two.