My tweets

  • Sun, 12:56: RT @ProSyn: Complaints about unfair Chinese trade practices are actually complaints about the mismatch between the slow pace of economic op…
  • Sun, 14:40: RT @astroehlein: Far-right @de_nva drops out of Belgian governing coalition with a fake argument over a UN agreement its own people negotia…
  • Sun, 14:43: RT @garethharding: Goodbye and good riddance to far-right NVA – whose presence in government was a stain on this fine country. #Belgium htt…
  • Sun, 14:44: RT @tom_nuttall: Migration politics bullshit latest – Belgium’s Flemish nationalist party, which ran a shameful social media campaign again…
  • Sun, 14:48: RT @News_Letter: In his weekly column, @BenLowry2 looks what could happen after next week’s Brexit vote,none of which look great from a uni…
  • Sun, 16:05: RT @astroehlein: “We need an EU-wide Magnitsky Act to tackle human rights abuses” – Very important op-ed, signed by 44 national MPs & Europ…
  • Sun, 16:19: Destination Moon (1950); and Heinlein novella
  • Sun, 19:25: RT @bbcdoctorwho: The series finale is on NOW! #DoctorWho
  • Mon, 09:22: RT @EUCourtPress: #ECJ: UK is free to unilaterally revoke the notification of its intention to withdraw from the EU – Case C-621/18 Wightma…
  • Mon, 10:45: Climbdowns and compromises on long road to a botched Brexit Two big setbacks in June 2017 forced prime minister to…

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