- Wed, 12:56: Great thread. https://t.co/raCmKpJlFV
- Wed, 14:32: After a Historic Defeat in the House of Commons, What’s Next for Brexit? Why I think No Deal is now the most likely… https://t.co/7oHivEf7dz
- Wed, 14:51: RT @smsaideman: Well, it is the dumbest option, so of course https://t.co/8eSpkaJETI
- Wed, 15:05: …which is rather less than the 100+ we were hearing about earlier. https://t.co/0AqNITVSsP
- Wed, 15:39: RT @apcoworldwide: After a historic defeat in the House of Commons, what’s next for #Brexit? Our @nwbrux explains: https://t.co/m0ql3oVeFM…
- Wed, 16:05: RT @jonnymorris1973: Answering the phone by telling people your phone number. (One of those things TV shows set in the past always forget t…
- Wed, 16:16: Sums up very nicely why No Deal is now the most likely outcome. https://t.co/bsTEmjVDZf
- Wed, 16:31: RT @Julian__West: @nwbrux Every actual outcome seems to have a majority against it. Whatever the default is will happen by accident.
- Wed, 16:39: RT @Dani_brussels: So with last night’s hangover, what’s next for #brexit? @nwbrux @APCOBXLInsider has some preliminary thoughts: https://t…
- Wed, 17:07: RT @Hugh_Pope: Our former Europe Program director @nwbrux makes no bones about his most likely Brexit end scenario: “The United Kingdom wi…
- Wed, 17:11: Centre-right MEPs want transparency vote to be secret https://t.co/EwFhDR6T5N Great headline.
- Wed, 17:36: RT @MarkTIRL: “And if the House of Commons does not vote in favour of a clear plan, the United Kingdom will crash out of the European Union…
- Wed, 17:45: Favourite Classic Who season: I’m personally an advocate of Season 3, but in the end Season 14 wins – Fourth Doctor… https://t.co/tKsEd6WiBS
- Wed, 18:13: RT @djm4: This is my view too, FWIW, although I consider myself substantially less well-informed on the subject than @nwbrux. The only poin…
- Wed, 18:32: The Year’s Best Science Fiction and Fantasy, 2010 Edition, ed. Rich Horton https://t.co/n8Uqlh73lm
- Wed, 18:48: RT @Julian__West: @nwbrux A group of people voting can be stupid in a way that no single person ever could be. If it’s three groups each se…
- Wed, 18:48: RT @peterpalmer901: @nwbrux Irrepressibly gloomy, Nicholas.
- Wed, 20:14: It is I, Eldrad!
- Wed, 20:28: I generally think Gary Russell’s books are good – and really his Sarah Jane novelisations should also have been inc… https://t.co/92IIzDKMWr
- Wed, 20:28: Something in my eye as Sarah Jane leaves the Tardis.
- Wed, 20:32: Here goes – The Deadly Assassin on Twitch! #DoctorWho
- Wed, 20:48: The Brexit backstop is a diplomatic coup for the government – but no one wants to buy it https://t.co/Q7s11xsCyU Po… https://t.co/lGyCUCXEyO
- Wed, 21:28: RT @happydisciple: @nwbrux I this about Doctor Who or Brexit?
- Wed, 21:40: RT @clanwilliam: @0tralala @nwbrux It was still there earlier this evening! 😉
- Wed, 22:05: RT @alexwilcock: @nwbrux Thank you for these – my favourite story and you’re doing a cracking job on it!
- Wed, 22:18: RT @TimmermansEU: “You can’t go back and change the beginning. But you can start where you are and change the ending.” C.S. Lewis #Brexit
- Wed, 22:18: RT @jonworth: Right. Take a deep breath. After the #NoConfidenceVote I have reworked my Brexit flow diagram. The events of the last t…
- Wed, 22:22: And here we are, @Lou_Jameson in her very first episode as Leela of the Sevateem! https://t.co/vTiOfROOmA
- Thu, 10:45: RT @NATOpress: What a difference years make.. #10yearchallenge Ten years ago I read my personal files in the archives of Romania’s form…
I want them to find out who is related to his father’s side in modern times but none of the articles stated doing that.