Sat, 14:42: RT @Barry_TheDetail: Health expert says 87% drop in nurses coming to north as a result of brexit and that it is now a cold house for foreig…
Sat, 17:45: Favourite Cybermen story: Let’s face it, there have been some duff ones. My vote is for the Big Finish audio Spare…
Sat, 22:32: RT @JeremyCliffe: Merkel was widely derided for her immigrant policies. But now we know: – 3/4 of new immigrants have done or are doing Ge…
Sun, 10:45: Some Social Media & Media Engagement Hygiene And Self-Care Lessons I’ve Learned From Spending Several Years On This…
The problem for the SNP is that they have a firm policy that blocks them supporting a Conservative government. The policy didn’t cover the opposite though, which happened between 2007 and 2011, of a Conservative set of MSPs supporting their Scottish government.
The problem for the SNP is that they have a firm policy that blocks them supporting a Conservative government. The policy didn’t cover the opposite though, which happened between 2007 and 2011, of a Conservative set of MSPs supporting their Scottish government.