My tweets

  • Sun, 22:59: RT @kevinhorourke: Unfortunately the Irish watch UK TV and read its press. Brexiteer claims that Ireland is responsible for no deal will be…
  • Mon, 06:46: RT @jonworth: Earlier I was confusing myself with too much detail on amendments to be voted Tuesday 29. Only two types of amendments matte…
  • Mon, 07:34: RT @DavidHenigUK: The UK Government including Boris Johnson and David Davis signed up to an Irish backstop commitment 13 months ago. Now…
  • Mon, 10:45: RT @MatthewdAncona: My @guardian column: I have had it up to here with the Conservative Party – an ugliness has entered its soul https://t.…

One thought on “My tweets

  1. I don’t think it would be that hard for the Labour Party to up its offer.

    I wonder. They have not been clever about this kind of thing in the past, and the SNP’s avowed policy of non-support for the Tories may encourage Labour to think that they can take SNP support for granted – and then blame them for not giving it!

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